Sunday, January 4, 2015

Reawakening the body!

I have started the 28 day Beginner Squat Challenge that I came across on the myfitnesspal app. It consists of 4 different squats, one week spent on each type. I'm almost at the end of the first week which involves the counter balance box squat. I like the sound of short term challenges and this one has woken up a few of my muscles again. Maybe it's my imagination but I could swear I see a difference in my thigh/ bum area. If you want a very easy workout for your thighs and bum then I would recommend this one.

I have also started walking in the evenings again and availing of my gym membership! Swimming and yoga resume shortly so I'm looking forward to those after indulging slightly over the Christmas period.
Stay tuned for more health and fitness challenges :)

Happy New Year to all my readers!

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